Jonathan Green Black Beauty® Ultra Grass Seed

Regular price $134.99

  • Fast establishment in newly seeded lawns, and fills in bare spots quickly in thin lawns
  • Establishes a lush dark-green lawn in full sun to partial shade growing conditions
  • Excellent heat and disease resistance as well as drought tolerance
  • Once you’ve seen a Black Beauty® Ultra lawn you’ll never forget it!

Jonathan Green’s Black Beauty® Ultra Grass Seed mixture combines our most elite Black Beauty® tall fescue seed varieties with our best Kentucky bluegrass to fill in bare spots quickly and invigorate worn out lawns. Black Beauty® Ultra also contains premium perennial ryegrass for fast germination and wear tolerance in lawns that experience heavy traffic. The Black Beauty® Ultra seed grows naturally dark-green turf and is most similar to the Black Beauty® seed mixtures that sod growers purchase from us to grow high-quality sod within one year. This seed germinates in 7-14 days.